How the Family Governs the Family Business (Part 2 of 2)

We left off last week’s blog talking about some of the family members who are not employed in the family business, but whose lives are nonetheless affected by the business, as part of the general theme about how the family governs a family business.

Today we will use the airplane analogy to talk about how they can influence the business, as well as the responsibilities that come along with the benefits.
July 20, 2014/by Steve Legler

How the Family Governs the Family Business (Part 1 of 2)

One of the most challenging aspects in dealing with business…
July 13, 2014/by Steve Legler

The Value of a Trusted Family Business Advisor

When I am asked in social situations what I do for a living, I reply with “I am a family business advisor”. The most common response to this is a quizzical look, as if to say “Is that a thing?”

And I must confess that for me, a few short years ago, it was not a “thing” in any sense of the word. As I get more involved with organisations of like-minded people, however, I am more convinced than ever in both the need for advisors like us, and the demand that we are creating for our services.
July 6, 2014/by Steve Legler

Creating the Family Business Legacy You Want

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I believe that just…
June 29, 2014/by Steve Legler

Looking for the “Real Will”

I came across a crazy news story last week, and since it is tangentially…
June 21, 2014/by Steve Legler

Bonne fête des paires

Depuis que mon père est décedé en 2008, chaque fête des pères…
June 15, 2014/by Steve Legler

Enter with Courage, Exit with Dignity

In last week’s blog, I mentioned that I would soon be attending…
June 8, 2014/by Steve Legler

Avoiding Difficulty: It’s Not Always Easy

Over breakfast with a coaching colleague recently, I informed…
June 1, 2014/by Steve Legler

Did You Hear the One About the Family Business That…

I spent three days in Vancouver this week at the CAFÉ Symposium,…
May 25, 2014/by Steve Legler

“Me” versus “We” in the Family Business

Our family was watching Shark Tank together last night, and one…
May 18, 2014/by Steve Legler

Entry with Audio

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean…
May 11, 2014/by Steve Legler

Communication is a Two-Way Street

Communication is a topic that comes up often when discussing…
May 10, 2014/by Steve Legler

NextGen Successors: Time to Step Up

One of the topics that comes up over and over again in the family business arena is that of the next generation and their preparedness to take over the reins.

Who has not heard at least one tale of a leader who is reluctant to let go, while claiming that the supposed successor is not yet seasoned enough to do the job. Many people will rightly point out that part of the leader’s job should have been to ensure that a successor would be ready, but they would be missing a big part of the picture.
May 4, 2014/by Steve Legler

Bien faire, ça prend du temps

Je deviens parfois frustré par le temps nécessaire pour accomplir…
April 27, 2014/by Steve Legler

Flex Your Flexibility

As we age, it is widely accepted that we lose a lot of our flexibility,…
April 12, 2014/by Steve Legler

Oh Brother! Siblings in the Family Business

Many of the family issues that business families face come from…
April 6, 2014/by Steve Legler

ADR: Alternative to What?

Working with business families, there are always areas that are…
March 30, 2014/by Steve Legler

L’harmonie et l’héritage vont de paire

Je crois que la plupart des gens qui mènent des entreprises…
March 23, 2014/by Steve Legler
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STOP working in your family BUSINESS,
START working on your business FAMILY